About Us


It all started when…

A group of independent workers came together and decided they wanted to share their experience as non-traditional workers with other Albertans because non-traditional work can be a great way to meet your personal, career and financial goals!


Meet Our Design Team


Moving Clockwise…

Gail Kastning B.Ed., CCDP, CSS - Gail is the owner of Purposeful Careers. She specializes in the design and delivery of career supports for non-traditional workers. She also helps organizations evaluate, conceptualize & build effective career development & industry engagement programs. She has been a portfolio careerist for over 20 years and prefers to have multiple income streams.

Brittney Brown - Brittney recently graduated with honors in Social Media and Digital Marketing. She has worked on and off for Purposeful Career as a freelancer since 2019 providing educational material design for DIY Career School, video editing and social media content. She also works at Pet Smart and Calgary Golf Carts.

Sarda Sahney, Ph.D. - Sarda is an independent worker who specializes in creative design projects. She is the instructional designer for the Branch Out Workshop Series. She also brings her marketing and business experience to the team. She also has a theatre company and writes plays.

Myriam Nickel, B.Ed., CCS - Myriam is an independent worker who specializes in project management, employment program consulting and proposal writing. She is the project manager for the Branch Out Workshop Series and brings her years of employment bridging experience to the team. Myriam also works as a acting director for Sundog Theatres.



Our Workshop Delivery Team

Heather Sturdy, ACC - Heather is our Virtual Workshop Facilitator. She is an independent worker who is a compassionate career coach and talented workshop facilitator. A central theme throughout her life has been providing compassionate service to others. She is at her best when coaching clients through life and career transitions or facilitating groups to build skills and confidence.

Kellie Evetts - Kellie is our Virtual Workshop Moderator. She is an independent worker with experience as an administrative assistant, both in office and virtually. She also has a passion for Community Management and Virtual Event Management. She loves helping others connect and grow a community.


Our Consultants


Debbie Harper Pollitt, MBA - Debbie is a Human Resources Consultant who specializes in hiring, succession and workforce planning. She has worked across industries and brings her vast knowledge of hiring practices to the Branch Out Workshop Series.

Joy Ulrich, BBS, MRE, LSCC - Joy is a Career Development Specialist who is an expert in career planning, psychometric assessing and portfolio careers. She has been a portfolio careerist for most of her career and is a consultant for the development of the Branch Out with a Portfolio Career Workshop.